Traffic Pattern

Morning Drop-Off:
The entrance to the elementary school in the morning is from Beech Avenue. and/or K Street coming from Broadway. Please give yourself plenty of time. A left turn from K Street. will not be allowed, to enter the school, only a right turn is allowed. We strongly encourage that you park on Fifth Avenue and walk into the school to drop off students, as the parking lot spaces are reserved for staff members.

USE BEECH AVENUE TO ENTER CAMPUS: If you are coming from Broadway, make a left on Ash, right on James and turn right on Beech Avenue. If you are coming from Fifth Avenue, go west on James Avenue and make a left onto Beech Avenue.

Drop-off Route for all grades:
Student drop off route map
Additional Drop-Off Information for Transitional Kinder and Kindergarten:
An adult must walk all Transitional Kinder and Kinder students onto the campus. Any adult picking up a Transitional Kinder/Kinder student must be a parent or an adult on the emergency contact card. The adult will need to park outside the school grounds and pick up the child from his/ her homeroom.

Afternoon Pick-Up:
The gates open at 2:55pm on Monday through Thursday and at 12:55pm on Friday. Please follow all traffic laws, posted signs, and avoid blocking driveways.

Pick-Up Route for TK through 4th Grade:
1st through 4th grade student pick up map
Pick-Up Route for 5th and 6th Grade:
5th and 6th grade student pick up map

Expectations for parents while driving:
• Be respectful and courteous with other drivers and families
• Drop off students at the drop off zone
• Refrain from stopping or parking in handicap, red areas, driveways, or crosswalks
• Avoid leaving cars unattended to drop off students in YMCA program
• Yellow lines are for loading and unloading only
• Do not turn left when you exit the school grounds
• Do not drive into private driveways to drop off or pick up students. Traffic must be always circulating, no stopping and waiting
• You must have a handicap card to parked in handicap parking, but still need to follow the traffic pattern

Traffic Volunteer Guidelines:
• Parents should have all electronic devices put away
• Only adults should direct traffic and may not have any children standing with them as they monitor traffic. It’s the volunteer’s responsibility to concentrate on safety while overseeing traffic.
• Traffic volunteer parents should NOT be in a conversation with another person as they volunteer.
• Be kind and courteous to everyone, USE CODE OF CONDUCT
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