Reporting an Absence

Dial the elementary school's phone number (619) 426-2885 ext. 2497 and record the student’s name, teacher, and the reason for the absence.

All absences must be reported to the Attendance/Health Office on the day of the absence. Contact the attendance office for more information on Independent Study Contracts. Any absence of 3 or more days requires a note from a California licensed physician stating the reason for the absence and the date the student may return to school. Students who have a consistent absence pattern due to an illness require a doctor’s note explaining the nature of the health problem and the reason for the absences. Upon returning to school following any absence, students must check in at the Attendance/Health Office before reporting to class. If a note or phone call is not received, we will consider the absence as unexcused.

It is very important that students arrive to school on time. If your child is tardy, he or she must report to the Attendance/Health Office for a tardy slip.
We recognize students for perfect attendance on an annual basis. Perfect attendance is defined as no absences, tardiness, or early releases of any kind. If for some reason your son or daughter will be absent, please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher and attendance office to arrange an Independent Study Contract.

Early Dismissal
Students are not allowed to leave school grounds with anyone other than a parent, guardian, or a designated adult listed on the student’s emergency card. Students must be signed out of the office by the parent or designee before leaving any school grounds. It is considered “unexcused” if you say/write that a student is attending a doctor’s appointment and we do not receive a note excusing him/her. The child’s teacher must receive a pink release form, issued by the attendance office if the student leaves during instructional time.
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